Tag: Life coaching


At the centre of our universe is balance. Rich or poor, hard or soft, clingy or indifferent, we are forever looking to attain the perfect equilibrium to make our lives better. Cause too much of anything can result in stress and burnout. Sometimes in the race towards this crucial equilibrium, we forget to ration the […]

Expectation series IV – Personal Expectations

Since the lockdown started in March 2020 we have all be piling more expectations onto our already overburdened shoulders. Many of us have said to ourselves, “I should use this time at home to …” followed by a series of goals such as get fit, write that book, finally sort out the loft. The list […]

Procrastination 101

काल करे सो आज कर, आज करै सो अब | पल में परलय होयगी, बहुरी करेगा कब || (Finish tomorrow’s task today, And today’s task right now. When would you finish them, If the world ends next moment.) Early millennials like me grew up reading this couplet from a renowned poet Kabir Das. I was […]